A Prayer for Your Health

Praying for your health only when your back is against the wall is short-cutting the power of God. Choices made in desperation force us into a One-time Miracle Diet mindset. This distracts us from God’s best of making healthy a lifestyle.

Living healthfully and reaping the benefits of a long vibrant life is the greatest miracle of all. God wants us to include Him in our health journey every step of the way, from our struggles with passing up that second piece of pie to our generational history of poor health in our families. Whether the issue is big or small, God wants us to rely on His strength.

A prayer for your health is much more than a single prayer in a moment of crisis or even a string of prayers. It is revamping the way you see your health so that you’re seeing your health as God sees it. It is knowing on a soul level that God wants you healthy for a bigger purpose. And then walking that concept out every day, by making healthy choices.

Let's pray. . .

I pray that God will make you whole in mind, body, and spirit.

I pray that every set goal and desire of your heart will be infused with the Holy Spirit and realized in your life in a tangible way.

I pray that you will develop new skills, draw closer to God, and break any negative relationship you have with food.

I pray that this fast will be a turning point in your health and your walk with God.

I pray that you will finish strong, energized, motivated, and renewed in spirit and body.

I pray that you will gain a deep understanding of the connection between your health and your spiritual journey.

I pray that God will break generational patterns of poor health in your family and that the cycle will end with you!

I pray that old unhealthy habits will be replaced by new habits that serve you.

I pray that you will know beyond a shadow of doubt that God wants you well! 1 Corinthians 10:31 states “so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.”

I pray that you will walk, talk, move your body, and eat to the glory of God!


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Daniel Fast: Why You Should Only Do It Once

This Daniel Fast book will empower you to refuse the king’s diet. You will become a Daniel in your own life and a stronger, healthier version of yourself. Having your health means you can serve more, give more, and live out your calling with excellence.

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